Restaurants / Bars for Rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos | Nigeria Property Centre

Restaurants / Bars for Rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos

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Shop, Salon, Lounge, Carwash and Grill Spot, Chevron Alternative Route, Conservation, Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos, Restaurant / Bar for Rent

Restaurant / bar for rent

 Chevron Alternative Route, Conservation, Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos
9,000,000 per annum

What is the average price of restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos?

The average price of restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos is ₦9,000,000 per annum.

What is the price of the most expensive restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos?

The price of the most expensive restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos is ₦9,000,000 per annum.

What is the price of the cheapest restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos?

The price of the cheapest restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos is ₦9,000,000 per annum.

How many restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos are available?

There are 1 available restaurants / bars for rent in Lekki Phase 2, Lekki, Lagos.

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